Friday, August 28, 2009

What I wish I had to take Cooper to the Market.

Isn't this the coolest thing? Every now and then you find something that is different and quite possibly usable. As Cooper has gotten bigger, he doesn't fit quite as well in the stroller and he gets hot. Of course, we would need to add a helmet with something like this. But once, I saw the price tag, I guess we will be sticking with our trusty stroller. A girl can dream. Right?

Madsen Cycles Cargo Bikes


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

A small party favor goes a long way. Wish you could hear his laugh.

For more Wordless Wednesday posts, check out 5 minutes for mom and 7 Clown Circus!


Saturday, August 22, 2009

A walk down memory lane!

The big guy started out liking his blankets. We swaddled him until he could be swaddled no more. Well that is until he wouldn't fit anymore. My mom bought him several of those super plush blankets, and he has been in love ever since.

Here he is swaddled at the tender age of three weeks old. I can't believe how much he has changed, and that he is almost two years old now.

But one thing has not changed. He still loves his blankets. Only the blanket needs to be a little bigger ...

or maybe a lot bigger. He voluntary stayed like this for several minutes before breaking out.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Monkey in a Cage

This is the "present" that came in the big box earlier this week. The Monkey recently started throwing one leg over the side of the crib, so another friend recommended this as a solution until he is ready for a big boy bed ... or make that until Mommy is ready. Believe it or not, but he still does fit in the crib.

As you can tell from the video, he loves it. He is doing really well with it after two nights. So we are keeping our fingers crossed that it continues.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Give the boy a box.

Why do we buy toys? Hours of entertainment in one box. More to follow on what came in the box, but let's just say that Cooper may be very surprised.


My First Wordless Wednesday

I am going to make an attempt to start posting a picture each Wednesday. Wish me luck on this one, and for being "wordless" because you know I like to tell the story.

I LOVE this picture. He is showing that terrific smile that is so hard for me to capture. And yes, he is sitting in a plastic storage bin that his cars normally live in.

For more Wordless Wednesday posts, check out 5 minutes for mom and 7 Clown Circus!

Hope you enjoy! Oh, and if you get a chance, I would love to hear your comments on any of my posts.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Papa's Birthday

We have started making homemade picture cards for birthdays. I love the expression in the top right picture. He looks a little like he is channeling Kid Rock. As you can tell, he is full of personality.


Friday, August 7, 2009

The Energizer Bunny

He keeps going and going and going ...

This was right before bedtime, and I was attempting to give him his allergy medicine. He did finally slow down, and there is another video 10 minutes later, but I won't bore you with two at one time. Let's just say that is was more of the same.


What happens when Dad is in charge!

Sometimes it's better to not have photographic evidence of what happens when Mom is away.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First corn on the cob

I cut some off the cob for him, but he was determined to eat mine. I have to say it was some of the best I have had. I grilled it with a lime tequila marinade. No butter required.
I highly recommend it, and I think you can see that Cooper agrees.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Where is Cooper?

Can anyone see Cooper? I can't find him.

I still can't find him. Any hints?

"I'm right here, mama."

The story does get funnier from here. Right before the hiding in the pantry episode, Cooper hid under the table where ... well, he does his business (potty training can't come soon enough). So, he did contaminate the pantry with the smell. As this was lunch time, I gave J the option of diaper or make lunch. Surprisingly enough, he chose the diaper. I won't bore you with the commentary I heard from the bedroom. J did descend the stairs with the aforementioned diaper in it's own bag which he took all the way out to the outside trash can. When he came back in, he looked at me with most serious expression and stated, "I chose poorly." Needless to say, I haven't laughed that hard in a while.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thoroughly enjoying an ice pop.

We spent the evening at a friend's house for a cookout. They have a little girl who has a wide assortment of fun stuff in the backyard. One item of particular interest this evening was a filled kiddie pool, which Cooper proceeded to walk right into ... with all his clothes on. (Disclaimer: Before anyone freaks out, there were five adults watching this as it happened.) He sat down and began splashing. I have to say that I was very proud of myself for not even flinching because I brought backup clothes, and he is a toddler. So, yes I have partially given in or lightened up. I leave it up to you to figure out which it is.
So after a change of clothes and a hotdog, Cooper ate a homemade ice pop. I love the last one where he looks completely zoned out.


Water Play Saturday

This past week we were able to catch up with a long-lost friend, who had yet to meet Cooper. She came bearing presents and she is cute, so I'm sure Cooper is in love. One of the presents was a neat beach ball that sprayed water. It did take him a few minutes to warm up to it, but as you can see, he was having a ball a few minutes later.



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