He loves to wear the Spiderman costume around the house. This weekend he came around the corner all crouched down in his best Spidey voice, and asked me, "Have you seen my friend, Flash?" He is so serious, so I try hard not to laugh but rather play along. We went on a hunt for Flash, and found him hanging out in the family room. When I asked Spidey if he had seen Cooper, he grinned at me and pulled up his mask. "I'm right here Mommy." I love the imagination.
Cooper also told me this week that he is now 5, so he can go to Summer Camp. All the older kids who will be going to kindergarten in the fall have moved up to Summer Camp and he is feeling a little left out. I asked him what happened to 4. His solemn response was "I'm too big for 4."
Yes you are buddy, yes you are.

oh that is too cute! maybe 4 is on vacation... so we'll just skip it altogether, right? ;)